微源半导体 LP3301 SOT23-5 1MHz,24V/3A高性能升压转换器
General Description The LP3301 is a current mode boost DC-DC converter. Its PWM circuitry with built-in 3A current power MOSFET makes this converter highly power efficiently. The LP3301 implements a constant frequency 1MHz PWM control scheme. The high frequency PWM operation also saves board space by reducing external component sizes. The LP3301 features automatic shifting to pulse frequency modulation mode at light loads.Highly integration and internal compensation network minimizes as 6 external component counts. Optimized operation frequency can meet the requirement of small LC filters value and low operation current with high efficiency. Application ◆ Battery products 深圳市科瑞芯电子为多家国内外半导体厂商代理及方案合作商,产品多,规格全,质量优,供应及时,交货快捷。 主要耕耘市场为: 适配器、PD充电器、移动电源、无线充电源、户外储能电源、光伏储能、多媒体音响、HUB集线器、多功能扩展坞、家用电器、汽车电子等领域。 主要经营的品牌有: GMT、ZOWIE、UTC、ETA、INJOINIC、SOUTHCHIP、VIA、BYD等等,更多品牌欢迎到店铺查看或来电咨询! 公司主营产品: 肖特基二极管、整流二极管、桥堆、电池充电管理IC、场效应管MOS、MCU、稳压IC、LDO低压差线性、三极管、AC-DC电源、DC-DC电源等,更多产品类型欢迎到店铺查看或来电咨询!
The LP3301 includes under-voltage lockout, current limiting, and thermal overload protection to prevent damage in the event of an output overload. The LP3301 is available in a small 5-pin SOT23-5 package.
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