SOUTHCHIP/南芯 SC8562CFFR CSP-132 高压4:1开关电容充电器
Descriptions SC8562CFFR is a high efficiency, 5V/12A slave charger using a switched cap architecture. With its internal 17 low Rdson MOSFET and external flying caps, it can be configurated into six different operation modes: forward 4:1/2:1/1:1 charger mode and reverse 1:4/1:2/1:1 converter mode. The switched cap architecture and the integrated FETs are optimized to enable a 50% cycle, decreasing the cable current to be quarter of the current delivered to the battery, reducing the losses over the charging cable as well as limiting the temperature rise in the application. SC8562CFFR adopts 132pin CSP 4.885mm X 4.485mm package. Applications ● Smartphones ● Tablet PCs 科瑞芯电子秉持[追求品质、专*业诚信、持续创*新]的理念,为客户提供工业标品质、低成*本的半导体件,提供专*业技术支援及完*整的解决方案。持续追求、不断创*新以及提供更佳更广的准、高服务,协助客户及厂商提高竞争能力,致力于成为电子半导体通路商之一。